Invoke Aphrodite for more sensuality, love, pleasure and beauty
Now that spring has come and life has slowly begun to awaken in the earth, my own body also begins to want to bloom... Fertility is omnipresent in nature, and it is therefore natural for me that my energy is heightened. For more love and sensuality. To the energy of Aphrodite.
Aphrodite is a Greek goddess associated with the planet Venus. She is born in the sea from the foam that arose when the member of castrated Uranos hit the sea. Aphrodite is therefore revered as the goddess of the sea and the sailor. In this connection, she is often pictured on a seashell in the sea.
I have always LOVED the sea, because it is the place where I feel most in touch with the goddess. It is so extremely sensual to dance in the waves with bare breasts on a hot summer day. It feels so naturally wild, free and feminine.
Aphrodite is a goddess of war, but she is best known as a goddess of love, fertility, romance, pleasure, beauty, sensuality, relationships, and even prostitution.
She is the spiritual, romantic love when a couple is in love with each other. And she is the self-love that is essential to all healthy romantic relationships.
She is playful, flirting, teasing and seducing a partner for romantic and sexual experiences. She is the love of sex, the bodily pleasure and the intimate sexual connection between lovers.
By invoking Aphrodite, you can cultivate more sensuality, beauty, wealth, pleasure and luxury into your life. She reminds us that we are worthy and deserve to receive what we desire. With her help, you can learn to surrender yourself to your innermost sexual and sensual fantasies and pleasures without fear of what others think. You can enjoy your sexuality, your desire, your desire and your erotic energy - which like to include lots of pleasurable and life-changing multi-orgasms.
To embody Aphrodite is to become a diva and to dare to surrender oneself to her erotic ecstasy.
This does not mean that Aphrodite constantly attracts the attention of unusually persistent admirers. She has clear healthy boundaries and knows what she wants, and she's not afraid to say it.
It is through self-love and nurturing oneself with pleasurable love rituals that we connect with Aphrodite, both mentally and physically. We actually have to dance, sing, party, play music and love in her honor. It is with our body that we honor her. It is in our joy and irresistible deliciousness that we charge ourselves with the energy of Aphrodite.
Doing a love ritual and calling on Aphrodite for your sexual healing and pleasure sends a powerful signal to your subconscious mind that you are worthy of a sensually rich life of beauty, relaxation and sensuality. Rituals take you out of your everyday space and into a magical existence where everything is possible.
With a ritual, you can also focus your intention on what you really dream about, e.g. more love, eroticism, pleasure and beauty.
In the following you can read what Aphrodite loves and which things and elements are good to use to keep her holy.
Aphrodite clothing, altar decoration, colours, crystals etc
Day: Friday
Altar decoration: Seashells*, starfish*, seashells*, amber, mirror, golden apple
Food: Chocolate, strawberry, pomegranate, vanilla, grapes and olives.
Flowers: Rose, damiana, jasmine, geranium, anemone
Stones and metals: Pearls*, gold, rose quartz, copper, amethyst, silver, jade, sapphire, aquamarine
Colors: Red, pink, purple, silver, aqua, pastel green, glitter and any shade of light blue
Clothing: Nudity, loose hair, veil, jewelry, tiara, bangle, luxurious textiles
Place: The sea, the beach
* The sea is very gentle and we must take care of the sea. Therefore, be careful with what you collect or buy from the sea for your Aphrodite altar. Pearls come e.g. from live clams and is therefore not good to buy. Starfish are also living animals that die if they are picked up from the sea. You also have to be careful when collecting conch shells, as they are home to many small animals by the sea. I would recommend taking empty seashells home and decorating on your altar. You can also collect rocks by the sea and, if you're lucky, amber. You can draw or otherwise be creative in creating pearls and starfish yourself.
Explore Aphrodite
- Allow yourself to feel beautiful, sensual and loved without guilt. Take time to do the things that bring you pleasure and joy.
- Participate in some form of body treatment, e.g. yoga or massage, precisely to increase your connection to your body and your sensuality.
- Wear sensual, seductive and sexy clothes in everyday life. It can be the prettiest, most seductive dress in your wardrobe or all the necklaces you own at once. Let your inner seductress shine through.
- Admire your body in the mirror with beautiful clothes, jewellery, oils and perfumes. Charge your mirrors with loving compliments to yourself.
- Listen to romantic music or watch a romantic movie.
- Turn your bedroom into a boudoir that Aphrodite would envy. Only romance and relaxation should be in the bedroom. So put away work papers, computer and television and instead have big soft pillows on the bed and candles and red roses everywhere.
- Tell your partner honestly what gives you pleasure. Don't be afraid to speak your truth to yourself, your partner, and the world.
- Allow yourself to spend some money on a little luxury once in a while. It doesn't have to cost an awful lot, but sometimes dress luxuriously or take a bubble bath. When you put yourself first, others will notice.
- Turn your bathroom into an enjoyable spa. Let there be bath oils, candles, thick towels and music. And don't forget to decorate with seashells to remind you of Aphrodite's presence.
- Bathe in the sea on a hot summer day, preferably bare-breasted or completely naked, and dance sensually with Aphrodite in the waves. You can bring flowers and place them at the water's edge or carry a jade egg to make it extra sensual.
- Make offerings to Aphrodite every Friday. Friday is associated with the planet Venus, which is associated with Aphrodite. Offerings to Aphrodite can be sweet cakes, chocolate covered strawberries, wine, perfume, roses or grapes. Preferably something sumptuous and luxurious.
- Do a regular jade egg practice where you honor yourself as a sensual, erotic woman. If you can do a 30 minute practice once a week, you will experience activating a lot of your sensual goddess energy – and Aphrodite will be really excited about that. You will find yourself feeling more sexually alive, more attractive and a magnet for more pleasure, love, wealth and joy.
Other suggestions are to dance your inner goddess out to some romantic music. You can also take a hot tub filled with rose petals and then rub yourself in coconut oil. Light a red or green candle for Aphrodite and consecrate her to your innermost desires and fantasies. Close your eyes and meditate on Aphrodite and imagine yourself transforming into her – the sexiest woman imaginable.
I am so glad that you are interested in honoring Aphrodite and thereby also your own sensual, erotic goddess within.
I am sending so much sensual Aphrodite energy your way!
Helen L.